As you start off in pursuit of your modeling career, you must keep in mind that your safety should always come first! If something feels even the slightest bit off, go with your instincts and pass the situation by. It’s better to miss out on a real job than be lured into something that is not on the up and up.
Consider taking a parent, adult sibling, or friend along as an added precaution. As long as they are sitting quietly and not interfering with your conversations or work, no one should object to their presence. I always encourage my modeling headshot and portfolio clients to bring a parent with them. It puts the young model at ease, but more than that, I like the parents to see that their daughter is completely safe with me, because parents worry. I’m actually extremely protective of my clients, and their parent’s clearly see that I have their child’s best interest at heart.
Be sure that whenever you are going to a photographer, go-see, or a job you’ve booked, that if you do end up having to go alone, make sure to text a family member or friend, to let them know the following:
- Where you are going
- The names of the people and/or company
- The address and phone number
- The time you expect to arrive there, and the time you expect to leave
If you’re running later than expected, text them to let them know you are still there. This way, the person will know that you reliably keep them updated. Otherwise, if your appointments tend to run overtime, you might be in trouble, but they’re thinking you’re just running late “as usual”.
When looking into agencies and photographers, make sure you do a thorough read of reviews, and research to verify that they are a legitimate, registered business. Many “talent agencies” or “model agencies” are fly-by-nights who won’t get you much work, if any, and are really just in the business of trying to sell you pictures. They’ll “take” anyone who walks through the door, and promise them work, just to sell them pictures.
HANDS OFF!!!!!!! There is NO reason any photographer or anyone else in the business, should be touching you! Yes, of course, if you are being photographed and there is a reasonable need to adjust your hair or clothing, in an appropriate manner, that is to be expected, but other than that, there should be no arms around you nor creepy hands, nor even standing too close within your personal space. Respect your own personal boundaries. Don’t be hesitant to walk out, or even sneak out, if you’re really starting to get a bad vibe.
If anyone EVER even remotely hints at your ability to advance your career via sexual favors REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE SITUATION IMMEDIATELY! You will NOT sleep your way to the top! Professional behave professionally and will not make such “deals”. These creeps just pass girls around to their friends, who will use them repeatedly, until they wise-up.
PROTECT YOUR SELF-ESTEEM! You’ve chosen a career path that is strewn with “rejection”. Always remember that they are NOT rejecting you personally! It’s not that you’re not good enough – it’s that you just don’t fit the physical description you are looking for. You could be the thinnest, most gorgeous 5’6″ 18 year old blonde, but if they want a 25 year old 5’10 brunette, you just weren’t the right fit. It is no reflection on you at all! Always know that! You will hear way more “no” than “yes”. That’s just the way it goes. It’s a numbers game. It’s not really rejection at all. It’s just that you didn’t check all the boxes on their list. So, each time you hear a “no”, that just means you’ve got another no behind you, bringing you one step closer to your “yes”!
Here’s a great source of info on how to keep your vibration high, so you can maintain your joy, and keep a wonderful, positive attitude via the Law of Attraction. What you believe is what you’ll achieve! These Abraham-Hicks videos are amazing! 🙂
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