As I finished up the editing on this beautiful family portrait session in my studio, I was looking at the portrait of the whole family together. It moved me to tears! I was remembering how wonderful each member of the family is and how much fun we had. At the end of their session, their son, Hugo, grabbed his phone for a selfie shot of all of us together! They wanted to include me in their memories of the day! That utterly melted my heart and brought me such joy!
And as I sit here looking at the family portrait of them, I see their joyful expressions. Those beautiful smiles looking right at me through the lens, just really emphasizes the amazing job I have as a professional photographer. It allows me to share such Soul-connection moments with my clients. I’m always aware and appreciative of it, but sometimes, in moments like this, it just really hits me, moving me to the core. 🙂
I believe in organic smiles! Their smiles were completely natural, non-GMO, organic genuine smiles! They erupted naturally because we were all truly enjoying one another! I’m all about love and connections. Looking at these portraits just inspires me to think again about how incredible these interactions are with my clients. Its such an honor to become part of a such special moment in time in their lives. Those smiling faces I capture, are smiling for real because of the real connections we experience together. They were smiling at me because they were enjoying me, and I was smiling back at them equally the same, from the other side of the camera, because I was enjoying all of them!
These family photoshoots are so much fun and so full of love! Its so amazing to be in a profession where not only do I get to bring smiles to people’s faces, but that I get to capture these smiles in images that make time stand still! This priceless moment is one that they’ll now be able to look at every single day for the rest of their lives, remembering that moment of genuinely pure joy! This priceless moment when their family shared an amazing day out, filled with love and joy, celebrating themselves and their connections to each other as a family.
They did something so incredibly special together! The depth of that is not beyond me – its moments like that that I live for! They fill my Soul to the core! 🙂
From the very first moment we spoke, Gloria and I knew it was the right fit. We had the most heartfelt discussions while planing the session. She’s such a very special person who truly recognize the depth of all of that it means to create these family portraits. She voiced to me, the importance in preserving this joyous family moment for all time! I’m so grateful that she chose me as her photographer. It absolutely was an honor to get to photograph her amazing family. Each of them are so warm and kind and fun-loving. I could not have enjoyed myself more! Such a good woman, a tender mother, a loving wife, and a beautiful human being. We need more people in the world like Gloria and her wonderful family! 🙂
Visit my Family Portraits web page for more information!
Call 516-383-6370 for your complementary consultation!