Moms and Dads don’t come to their children’s portrait session camera-ready. They love their children dearly – so dearly that they want to capture them in beautiful portraits that will adorn their walls for the rest of their life! These photographs are their most precious possessions. Why then, do they not give this joy back to their children?
Mom is virtually always the one behind the camera. Look through her cell phone and you’ll find lots of images of the family, but where is she?
Mom is virtually always the one who books her child’s portrait session, but where is she?
Doesn’t your child deserve to have beautiful images to adorn their walls when you are long gone? What legacy of portraits have you left for them? Do you think they will care that you weren’t having a great hair day or you didn’t have time to put on makeup? But they will care deeply when they start looking through the family photos and see that you virtually didn’t exist!
During this portrait session, Mom & Dad sat on the couch enjoying the session, but did not want to be photographed. I tried to encourage them but it was a definite no. As I was directing adorable 3 yr old Kaleb, during his birthday portrait session, Mom jumped in to help demonstrate the pose I wanted. Of course I made sure not to miss this precious moment, which turned out not only to be one of my favorite shots of the session, but Mom’s too!
That emphatic no, turned into an image that she just had to buy! And I know, that years from now, this image of Kaleb and his mother, will be something that he treasures will all of his heart… his most priceless possession! Will he really care that her hair and makeup weren’t perfect?
Doesn’t Kaleb deserve to have this amazing photograph of himself and his mother, hanging on the wall of his future home, as much as his mother deserves to have this amazing photograph of herself and her son hanging on her wall now?
Give your children the gift of YOU!
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