Your business website must present you and your staff as polished pros who can get the job done! If your company website is muddying your reputation by being littered with selfies and snapshots, YOU ARE LOSING MONEY BY DRIVING AWAY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS!
You’ve only got one chance to make a great 1st impression, so you’ve got to make it count! Selfies, fish-lips, pix of your kids and pets, and snapshots of you looking hot with your X cropped out of the pic, are NOT professional! When people are searching for your business, you could be page 1 of Google results, but if they open up your site and see amateur snapshots where there should be polished professional images, they’re gone! You’ve got less than 3 seconds to convince them that they’re in the right place! It is ESSENTIAL that you are properly representing yourself and your staff with proper professional headshots and corporate portraiture.
You need to look the part, in order to earn their confidence so they spend their money with you. If they see that you haven’t bothered to invest in your own business with proper photography, then why would they believe your care about their needs? You’ve got to impact them with images that speak volumes about your level of professionalism. The right images will earn their trust and show that you are a serious professional! This is particularly critical for small businesses and entrepreneurs who’s company’s names and reputations are unknown to the public.
In this highly competitive world, there’s a Google-load of other sites doing it right, waiting for them to bounce off your site and onto theirs! STOP DRIVING AWAY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS!
Contact us today to learn more about how to put your best foot forward with beautiful images that present you and your staff as confident, competent, approachable, polished professionals, eager to serve your clients! Visit us at or call 516.383.6370.