We love making newbies look like polished pros!
I was shocked to hear from one of my modeling clients that other photographers were actually charging EXTRA to direct a client during their session! I’m still shaking my head in disbelief! As a photographer, my job is to make you look good, whether you’ve been in front of a thousand other cameras, or if it’s your very first time doing a modeling portfolio photoshoot.
My greatest gift is making people feel comfortable in front of the camera. I think that comes not only from the fun and enthusiasm I have for creating amazing images for my clients, and my empathic abilities that help me tune into how their feeling so I can help build their confidence, but also, in great part due to the fact that I’m never going to let you feel awkward or not know what to do. I pose you head to toe, and down to every micro-muscle in your face to direct your expression. That helps build your confidence! Then we can make great images together!
Frankly, I think it’s not a very wise thing to charge clients because how good are their images going to be when the client doesn’t know how to pose? Clients don’t purchase bad images! And if they’re not showing a gallery full of amazing looking images with confident expressions, who would want to work with them anyway? Not only are they doing a disservice to their clients, they’re not serving their own business very well. The awesome images I create with you, are the ones that I’m going to show off to bring me more great clients like you! And when you’re ecstatic about your images, you’re going to tell everyone about Defining Imagery Photographers!
And what about your dreams and aspirations? When you’re in front of my camera, I’m all in! I’ve got your back and I’m trying to make the most amazing images of you that you’ve ever seen! Because I want to give YOU the greatest chance at success in follow your dream to become an actor or model! I absolutely LOVE when my clients tell me about their successes! I love hearing that they were cast as the lead in a new detective series… or they won Miss Photogenic at their pageant… or they got accepted into the Joffrey Ballet School or their dream college, based on the images they submitted that I created for them! It thrills me to my core!
Its my job to do everything in my power to make you shine in your images! I’m committed to your success and I’ve got your back! When you’re standing in front of my camera, nothing else in the world exists, and I’m there, focused on you, to draw everything out it you that you’ve got! And we’re going to have a blast in the process, because I love what I do and I can’t wait to see the expression on your face when I show you the back of my camera after capturing mind-blowing images of YOU!

Learn more about our Modeling Portfolio Photoshoots. Download our Pricing Guide now!